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Dementias: Understanding the Condition

Dementia is an umbrella term for a set of cognitive disorders that primarily affect memory, thinking, and behavior. It is not a specific disease but rather a collection of symptoms that severely impact an individual’s ability to perform everyday activities. At the Psychiatric Clinic of Dr. Jaswant Singh, we specialize in diagnosing and managing dementias, providing compassionate care and expert guidance to patients and families.

Types of Dementia

The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 60-80% of cases. Other types include:

  • Vascular Dementia: Caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, often following strokes.
  • Lewy Body Dementia: Characterized by abnormal protein deposits in brain cells.
  • Frontotemporal Dementia: Affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, leading to personality changes and language difficulties.
  • Mixed Dementia: A combination of two or more types of dementia, often Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia.


Symptoms of dementia vary depending on the type and stage of the condition but generally include:

  • Memory loss: Particularly short-term memory, where individuals may forget recent conversations or events.
  • Difficulty in planning or problem-solving: Inability to follow instructions, manage finances, or solve complex problems.
  • Confusion: Especially regarding time and place, causing individuals to get lost in familiar settings.
  • Changes in mood or personality: Depression, irritability, or anxiety can accompany cognitive decline.
  • Difficulty with communication: Struggling to find words, follow conversations, or write clearly.

Diagnosis and Treatment

At the Psychiatric Clinic of Dr. Jaswant Singh, we use a comprehensive approach to diagnosing dementia. This includes cognitive testing, brain imaging, and a detailed medical history. Early diagnosis is crucial, as it allows for timely intervention, slowing disease progression and improving quality of life.

While there is no cure for dementia, treatments can help manage symptoms. Medications like cholinesterase inhibitors and lifestyle changes, such as physical activity and cognitive therapy, can support brain health. Our clinic offers a personalized treatment plan for each patient, focused on maximizing independence and well-being.

Support and Care

Dr. Jaswant Singh’s clinic emphasizes the importance of family support. We provide guidance on managing challenging behaviors and ensuring a safe environment. Caregivers receive resources to cope with the emotional and physical demands of supporting a loved one with dementia.

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